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Admin Notes & We’re Officially Published
Been a bit busy this past week – daytime job primary among the reasons. New organizations are interesting and engaging entities, but their demands can be nearly all consuming at times and when added to a three hour commute, well, the grey matter was more interested in vegetating than cogitating – or something like that….
The Requirements Definitions Process…
…Ably defined… (click on picture to enlarge) Must be more of that over 30 humor, huh Pops? Or is that what happens if you spend too much time in the "joint" environment? BTW, have you OD’d yet on that Homerus Simpsonus or Americanus, or whatever that thing was you said you were looking for…
Math 1, Humans 0
As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality – Albert Einstein If it’s green, it’s biology, If it stinks, it’s chemistry, If it has numbers it’s math, If it doesn’t work, it’s technology – Unknown Seems…
USNI: Taking Back Our Institution – A Note From Norman Polmar
More from Norman Polmar on the USNI: THE NAVAL INSTITUTE IN CRISIS Dear Friends and Colleagues, As you know, the Board of Directors–for now–has withdrawn the proposed change to the mission statement that would have made the Naval Institute an advocacy organization. Unfortunately, the battle is not over. The majority of the Board still seeks…
Change – You Can Be Part Of…
At present there is a slanderous attack underway over at a certain blog (we won’t link directly to it for obvious reasons, rather, Galrahn has assembled a good summary and parry over here). We call it slanderous because it is an attack, by name, on a current CO in an operational billet was undertaken with…
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Jake has figured out that only an idiot goes out to sea!!
…or insists on littoral ops…