Behold! The Empty Tomb…

Mmph, I can think of a high school physics teacher who might beg to differ, though as it turns out his prognostication skills were woefully, umm, constrained… (h/t Curt) Your Brain is Yellow Of all the brain types, yours is the most intellectual.You crave mental stimulation, and your thoughts tend to very complex.Your thoughts tend…
This week is the 69th anniversary of the Battle of Midway.  In recognition of that, check with your local VFW/American Legion Post for local observances and try and make it a point to attend. To help, here’s a listing of known events from around the country: 2009 BOM ANNIVERSARY AND UNIT REUNION ANNOUNCEMENTS 1….
Franklin Roosevelt’s D-Day Prayer My fellow Americans: Last night, when I spoke with you about the fall of Rome, I knew at that moment that troops of the United States and our allies were crossing the Channel in another and greater operation. It has come to pass with success thus far. And so, in this…
The mind is a funny thing sometimes. During a recent (long) layover at a major metropolitan airport your humble scribe was gazing out a window, as he is wont to do from time to time, and watched the ground crew prepping yet another jet for its journeys over the horizon. His attention was drawn to…
More things that make you go hmmm… (or Huh??? Got to agree w/ Phibian on this one): You are a Social Conservative (38% permissive) and an… Economic Moderate (41% permissive) You are best described as a: Centrist Link: The Politics Test on Ok CupidAlso: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test
Ten years ago, a couple of weeks from now, I emerged from a burning, shattered Pentagon to a scene of utter chaos in South Parking, jammed cell lines and what soon became a traffic jam bordering on the Apocalyptic. Today, while much further to the south of DC, but actually closer to the quake’s epicenter,…