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Wednesday’s Child…
OK guys, sound familiar?
More Flag Moves: CNO and STRATCOM Deputy CDR
No. 956-07 IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 02, 2007 Media Contact: (703) 697-5131/697-5132 Public/Industry(703) 428-0711 Flag Officer Announcements Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates announced today that the President has made the following nominations: Navy Adm. Gary Roughead has been nominated for reappointment to the grade of admiral and assignment as chief of naval operations, the Pentagon,…
Successful AEGIS BMD Shot
An SM-3 launched from the USS DECATUR (DDG 73) successfully intercepted and destroyed a ballistic missile target with a separating warhead* late yesterday in a test off Hawaii. Participating in the test were the USS PORT ROYAL and for the first time, a NATO partner, Spain, with the Aegis-equipped frigate Mendez Nunez (F-104). This was…
Hey Scribe – how was your week?
EMCON Charlie
’twill be limited posting this week as YHS is on travel to the front range of the Rockies. Would that it were for pleasure — instead three days in a windowless building divining the indecipherable… Flightdeck Friday may be a little early (like Thursday) for here and the Daily Briefing, but it shall be posted……
Changes, changes, changes…
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