Wednesday’s Child & Flight Sched

Fun with another WP plugin (WP-Cumulus) – just roll your cursor over the cloud: [WP-CUMULUS]
But hey, as our saying goes – БУДЕТ наукой ракеты!
Will be interested to see how this plays out — similar initiative to have vets salute during the playing of the National Anthem vice placing hand over heart hasn’t seen much participation, ‘least from YHS’ observation. On another note — light blogging this weekend as YHS is off to a friend’s retirement in Norfolk tomorrow…
Yeah, yeah, I know — what’s a Navy guy doing wondering what kind of army he is, but somethings look to be too much fun to resist…anyway here’s my results: You scored as British and the Commonwealth. Your army is the British and the Commonwealth (Canada, ANZAC, India). You want to serve under good generals…