Blog Survey
Aw heck, since it seems some others have suddenly discovered the project, let me toss this blog in the hat too (carried over from the legacy site BTW).
Aw heck, since it seems some others have suddenly discovered the project, let me toss this blog in the hat too (carried over from the legacy site BTW).
No, not for the Scribe or his clan, but for Pinch and his intended Nova Scotian bride-to-be. Drop by and pass along your best wishes!– SJS
Some teams are looking at a snapshot of the talleys thus far and think they’ve got it in the bag. *Ahem* Bluto says it best
Some thoughts and wishes on the cusp of the New Year: Blog direction: Have taken the downtime during the holiday interregnum to map out some new directions. There are ample commentaries re. the war in Iraq and the ongoing GWOT (or GWAT if one prefers). Adding my 2-pence worth would be but another pebble in…
Another serendipitous find on the ‘net whilst searching for something else. B-29’s, X-1’s and an actor from an all-time favorite movie – so what’s not to like? Turn the page and watch (about 10 minutes).
Quick note to pass along that has an interview of Your Humble Scribe up at his site. Try not to laugh too hard… The rains (and oppressive humidity) have relented so with blue skies in the offing, believe it’s time to hit the roads for the mountains of WVa with the family – in…
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My apologies, but I’m being told that I’ve already taken said survey. Should you ever wish to post one again please do so, as I don’t mind answering the questions. Random, but with interesting categories. When I viewed the results, it was gratifying to see that a majority do, indeed, floss. Thank you.
Veritas et Fidelis Semper
So…I took it at Lex’s place originally, and clicking your link, SJS, brings this up:
Good news, you’ve already taken this survey for another blog. If you’ve got cookies enabled, your answers will be applied to every participating blog you visit.
Does this mean every Tom, Dick, and Sally who has a blog I read know I drink a lot of scotch (among other things)? 😯 Enquiring minds wanna know. Oh, yes, they most certainly do.
(Hey Deb: I like ’em, too!)
Well, sorry, SJS. It says that I took it already, too.
So — good luck with that. Oh, well.