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Weekend Notes
Quick note to pass along that has an interview of Your Humble Scribe up at his site. Try not to laugh too hard… The rains (and oppressive humidity) have relented so with blue skies in the offing, believe it’s time to hit the roads for the mountains of WVa with the family – in…
Perspectives on Progress
1 GB from twenty years ago and 1 GB today… (h/t PC World via entrecard)
Traveling With The Scribe
While WE aren’t with him on this trip, we thought you’d like a little perspective on SJS as lead driver… – SJA #1 & #2 (click on picture to enlarge) You guys are going to be in so much hot water when the boss gets back…. SJA#3
We Interrupt This Blog For an Important Announcement
A FedEx Sign Dan Snyder Can’t Ban… (disclaimer: I am a loyal and long-suffering 49er’s fan, but will pull for the ‘skins if the 49ers aren’t playing them. Scriblet #3 and SWMBO on the other hand…)
Factory fire in Russia sparks scare, rumors of atomic plant explosion
In an area of the world where memories of Chernobyl are not a dim/receding thing of the past, it doesn’t take much to invoke immediate concern, if not panic: ROSTOV-ON-DON, Russia (AP) — A fire broke out Monday at a Russian factory that makes equipment for atomic power plants, but there was no risk of…