Valour-IT Challenge: Snarks Inbound
So – get a couple hundred bucks ahead and Team Zoomie starts feelin’ their oats? Laugh it up folks – here’s your future:
So – get a couple hundred bucks ahead and Team Zoomie starts feelin’ their oats? Laugh it up folks – here’s your future:
… well sort of. This is just too rich on soooo many levels. Where to start…hmmm, more flags than we have hulls? And since we are approaching the season when “You Know Who” is making up his lists of naughty and nice clients, here is a warning for the naughty ones: Won’t be switches and…
Another serendipitous find on the ‘net whilst searching for something else. B-29’s, X-1’s and an actor from an all-time favorite movie – so what’s not to like? Turn the page and watch (about 10 minutes).
So ol’ blue, the long suffering wireless router finally gave up the ghost and we replaced it with a Linksys WRT610n and while the installation and setup was not exactly painless, it was relatively straightforward, until it was time to start bringing the computers back into the net. Now the legacy Win2K and XP machines…
So we’ve been dragging our feet on this series for one of a number of reasons (some minor, some of import, one of which we hope to be able to announce in the near future) and have fallen behind. Next on the schedule was the BVR discussion (Beyond Visual Range) and it was while doing…
Your humble scribe is back from TDY to the land of real mountains and clear air — but a land also infected with the blot of PPT-itis. Alas, he returns to the epicenter of all that is malodorous about this infliction from Redmond, to find his classified and unclassified email boxes packed to the gills…
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As I said over at Mike’s…that pic IS pretty funny! But…that said… here’s a lil bit of dialog from “The B-58″…er…The Hustler:
Fast Eddie: You know, I got a hunch, fat man. I got a hunch it’s me from here on in. One ball, corner pocket. I mean, that ever happen to you? You know, all of a sudden you feel like you can’t miss? ‘Cause I dreamed about this game, fat man. I dreamed about this game every night on the road. Five ball. You know, this is my table, man. I own it.
Hmm, you do realize the ultimate outcome of that match between Eddie and Fats… 😎
Awesome pic!
Loose change inbound, for Navy!
Excellent! Большое ÑпаÑибо! 😀
Yup…I do indeed, SJS. But really now…who would you rather be? Paul Newman? Or Jackie Gleason? 😆
… George C. Scott… 8)
…wasn’t an option. But, not a bad choice, even if he DID play a famous Grunt. 😉
You didn’t ask, but I wouldn’t mind being Jimmy Stewart. Or someone like him. 😎
Oh, but it is:
The Hustler (1961)
Cast (in credits order)
Paul Newman … Eddie Felson
Jackie Gleason … Minnesota Fats
Piper Laurie … Sarah Packard
George C. Scott … Bert Gordon
Bert Gordon: I don’t think there’s a pool player alive shoots better pool than I saw you shoot the other night at Ames. You got talent.
Fast Eddie: So I got talent. So what beat me?
Bert Gordon: Character.
I stand corrected!! 😳