9/11 Remembrance Trackbacks
Post your 9/11 remembrance trackbacks here:
Post your 9/11 remembrance trackbacks here:
I still remember like it was yesterday…when the sky turned black; Of shipmates and strangers, joined by one terrible act; and what was before – is forever changed… Remember…
Some number of years ago I had the honor of making the acquaintance of a survivor of the attack on Pearl Harbor. A young seaman then stationed on the battleship Nevada, he related his story, his memories. And as he talked about the aching beauty of that peaceful Sunday morning – of standing at quarters…
Nominations are being taken until 15 October 2007 Stop by the ‘Best Military Blogs’ or ‘Best New Blog’ and hit the "+" to register your vote – Cooke County (or Dade if you prefer) rules apply… Thanks! – SJS
Hello Gloucester, County of Gloucestershire, England! You were #50,000 @ 11:42:44 EST today when you stopped by to checkout Southern Air Pirate’s guest post about transiting the Suez Canal. Thanks for stopping by!
It began as an ordinary, early spring day – teachers going about their business of teaching students; students doing what normal high school students are wont to do. At 1140, it dramatically, tragically changed with 12 students and a teacher dead and 23 others physically wounded – many more emotionally scarred. Two years, four months…
Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave, Who biddest the mighty ocean deep Its own appointed limits keep; Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee, For those in peril on the sea! Here are our shipmates who were lost in the Navy Operations Center (NOC) {note: N513 will be…
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My own memories of that day while haze grey and under way
The next night was even more stressed filled and people at home knew what we were doing before they told us.
I remember Heather Lee Smith.