Blogger’s Roundtable With VADM Morgan: The Maritime Strategy (UPDATED)

So what happens when you gather together bloggers like Galrahn, Eagle1, YHS and several others with VADM Morgan to discuss the Maritime Strategy via a teleconference on a late Thursday afternoon?  This:     Transcript should be forthcoming soon and will be posted as an update. Transcript’s up and posted below for your reading pleasure:…


India Presses Homegrown Missile Defense

So your one neighbor, Pakistan, possesses nuclear weapons and is working assiduously on short- and medium-range missiles, no doubt with nuclear delivery in mind as part of a deterrent package against your own nuclear forces.  China, with whom you share a fairly long (and disputed) border has also been engaged in building a modern force of short-…

A Cooperative Strategy For 21st Century Seapower: An Assessment

  Prelude for Round II of the discussions on the Maritime Strategy.  The document below from the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments will provide the departure point for said discussions beginning 31 March here and over at several of the usual suspects: Information Dissemination, CDR Salamander,, Chapomatic, Eagle1 to name but a few….


The Next Nuclear Strategy for a New Administration – and Three Questions

   The accelerating spread of nuclear weapons, nuclear know-how and nuclear material has brought us to a nuclear tipping point. We face a very real possibility that the deadliest weapons ever invented could fall into dangerous hands.  The steps we are taking now to address these threats are not adequate to the danger. With nuclear…


Flightdeck Friday: Implementing the Maritime Strategy-Quantity vs Quality (II) CV OPS

So the discussion earlier this week revolved around quantity vs quality and used as an argument in favor of quality that the Navy in the 1920’s and 30’s chose to press technology (and hence chose quality) over quantity (maintaining a large force structure), developing the tools, tactics and laying the groundwork for success in the…

Thoughts on the New Maritime Strategy

Having read (and re-read) the new MS several times since its release, as well as the associated commentary, we offer the following thoughts (delayed, no thanks, due to the intrusion of our day job(s)…) Some notes first – we will confess to being somewhat disappointed at first glance thinking to ourselves “where’s the beef?” Much of…