TINS* Tuesday

(*This Is No S**t — the typical preamble to an upcoming sea story which is true — no kidding!)TINS Tuesday (there’s that aliterative twist again) will be a weekly feature wherein your humble scribe will pass along stories from Navy air (and occasionally other services) that have been printed at one time or another and…

Boola, boola … Successful Missile Defense test

As a former Hawkeye kind of guy, missile shoots were always one of the more fun things to participate in, especially when the target gets nailed and blown to smithereens (destruction of the target characterized w/voice call: “boola-boola”). ’twas fun in uniform and (despite all the surrounding angst in the run-up) it still is post-uniform….

Initiative and Decisiveness: Here’s one from the “Able Dogs”

Recent discussion over in Lex’s ready room on resurrection of the COIN mission and supporting aircraft types sent your humble scribe over to the Able Dog’s site for some refresher training. In so doing, stumbled across this story that is timeless in its telling and lesson. Reproduced in part here in the hope that you,…