Tehran Announces Wargames/Missile Tests

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran plans to conduct missile war games during a three-day period beginning Sunday, state-run television reported. The war games will be carried out near Garmsar city, about 60 miles southeast of Tehran, according to the broadcast. “Zalzal and Fajr-5 missiles will be test fired in the war game,” the broadcast quoted…


Announced today — story follows. While YHS wishes the name had been reserved for use on another class as part of a return to tradition and convention, one hopes CVN 79 will be Enterprise, America, Intrepid or Coral Sea. (ed. note: The model unveiled at yesterday’s announcement also showed a more, *ahem* complete airwing than…


A new feature wherein YHS dips into his photo-locker of some 40+ years. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. The Battle “E” Bluetails (VAW-121) — 6+months into deployment, 3 more to go. We *thought* we were leaving the next day for only our 2nd port visit that deployment — Perth, Australia. Iraq…

How Lieutenant Ford Saved His Ship

There’s a different label we can attach to former president Gerald Ford, one that has been overlooked for 62 years: war hero.By ROBERT DRURY and TOM CLAVINPublished: December 28, 2006 (New York Times)East Hampton, N.Y. FOR Americans under a certain age, Gerald Ford is best remembered for his contribution to Bartlett’s — “Our long national…