Valour-IT Challenge: It’s Not Over Yet!
Some teams are looking at a snapshot of the talleys thus far and think they’ve got it in the bag. *Ahem* Bluto says it best
Some teams are looking at a snapshot of the talleys thus far and think they’ve got it in the bag. *Ahem* Bluto says it best
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Much has been going within and outside the household these past several weeks – and that explains a lot of the paucity of posts of late. Foremost amongst these was the passing of my wife’s father, a Korean War vet, railroad worker and longtime sufferer of Alzheimer’s. Word to the wise — if you haven’t…
It has been said a picture is worth a thousand words…Созерцайте!: and don’t forget snoglobe…
(Ed: See “Catching Up” for the Valour-IT reference) The B-52 Stratofortress The B-52 (aka “aluminum overcast” or BUFF – Big Ugly Fat Fellow (or cruder term for the 2nd “F”…) has been flying for over 50 years now and by all rights, looks to remain in the inventory until around 2040. Volumes have been (and undoubtedly…
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I always thought all y’all had a more than passing resemblance to “Animal House.” Suspicions confirmed, and all that.
But…back to the subject at hand. There’s this here Large Lady standing in the wings, and she’s tuning up.
Seven years of college down the drain…